BiFeO3 syntheses on the basis of fuel precursors on the solar furnace

  • Atabaev I.G Material sciences institute
  • Payzullakhanov M.S.
  • Shermatov J.
  • Rajamatov O.


Synthesis and properties of bismuth ferrite BiFeO3 are investigated quite widely [1-17].
However, obtaining a single-phase sample of BiFeO3 still presents a serious problem. For
example, a material synthesized from a mixture of Bi2O3 + Fe2O3 always contains Bi25FeO39
and Bi2Fe4O9 impurities, not depending on the synthesis method [5-8]. The use of a mixture
with a large excess of Bi2O3 also did not lead to a single-phase BiFeO3 ferrite [9]. The
complexity of preparation of single-phase BiFeO3 is noted in [10], which is associated with the
features of the Bi2O3-Fe2O3 system state diagram (the presence of three compounds), the
Bi2O3 volatility above its melting point [11] and the thermodynamic instability of BiFeO3 in air
in the absence of an equilibrium solution of Bi2O3-Fe2O3 melt [12]. An analysis of the literature
data shows the impossibility of obtaining a single-phase compound BiFeO3 by solid-phase
synthesis [13-17].

Author Biographies

Atabaev I.G, Material sciences institute

Material sciences institute of academy of sciences republic of Uzbekistan

Payzullakhanov M.S.

Material sciences institute of academy of sciences republic of Uzbekistan

Shermatov J.

Material sciences institute of academy of sciences republic of Uzbekistan

Rajamatov O.

Material sciences institute of academy of sciences republic of Uzbekistan


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How to Cite
I.G, A., M.S., P., J., S., & O., R. (2018). BiFeO3 syntheses on the basis of fuel precursors on the solar furnace. IOJPH - International Open Journal of Applied Science, 1(1), 38-42. Retrieved from