The Role and Importance of the Disciplines in the Training of Students Ioan Gontariu

  • Ioan Gontariu Food Engineering Faculty,
Keywords: the education, professional success,, student, teacher


Currently, the education should form a permanent search of each individual, student or
teacher, to discover through interaction with others, standing in the centre of social
developments. Education contributes to a large extent, the creation of an access to the
professional success of the students. Success can be achieved through a thorough preparation in
the business, plus baggage approaches available and individual qualities (reliability, managerial
abilities, personality). The main objective of the study is to optimize the process of didactic
teaching, in order to achieve a desired efficiency in teaching and learning and the acquisition of
specific skills. Although, in General, the scheme of the educational process is valid for all
disciplines, teaching technical subjects has its specificity in terms of the knowledge required to
be able to be understood and transmitted so as to be received and processed at an optimal level
of understanding. Technical and professional culture and specialty sums of a set of knowledge
and skills that ensure a superior skill and allows adaptation to various fields of activity and the
changes brought about by the advancement of science.

Author Biography

Ioan Gontariu, Food Engineering Faculty,

Ștefan cel Mare” University, Suceava, Romania


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