Approximation of Soft Fixed Points Using Multiplicative Analog of Zamfirescu Operators

  • Clement Ampadu
Keywords: 47H10, 47H09


In this paper we introduce an iterative soft sequence to establish a convergence theorem to
approximate soft fixed points of multiplicative Zamfirescu operators. The real counterpart of this
iterative soft sequence gives the generalized Mann iteration scheme. We also introduce a new two step
iterative soft scheme to approximate common soft fixed points for two asymptotically nonself mappings
in multiplicative soft analog of Banach spaces. The real counterpart of this new two step iterative soft
scheme gives the two step iteration scheme introduced by Thianwan [S. Thianwan, Common fixed points
of the new iterations for two asymptotically nonexpansive nonself-mappings in a Banach space,
J.Comput Appl. Math. 224(2009), 688-695]

Author Biography

Clement Ampadu

31 Carrolton Road
Boston, MA, 02132-6303, USA


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