Fixed Point Theorems in Multiplicative Soft Metric Spaces

  • Clement Ampadu
Keywords: 47H10, 54E50


Multiplicative metric was introduced in [A.E. Bashirov, E.M. Kurpınar and A. Ozyapıcı,
Multiplicative calculus and its applications, J. Math.Analy. App., 337(2008) 36-48]. On the other hand
soft set theory was introduced in [D. Molodtsov, Soft set-theory-first results, Comput. Math.
Appl.37(1999) 19-31]. Soft metric spaces have been investigated, see for example [Sujoy Das and S. K.
Samanta, Soft metric, Annals of Fuzzy Mathematics and Informatics, 6(1) (2013) 77-94]. In the present
paper we introduce a concept of soft multiplicative metric spaces, and prove some fixed point theorems
of contractive mappings on soft multiplicative metric spaces.

Author Biography

Clement Ampadu

31 Carrolton Road
Boston, MA, 02132, USA


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