The Technology for Development of Decision-making Support Services With Components Reuse

  • V. V. Gribova
  • A. S. Kleschev
  • P. M. Moskalenko
  • V. A. Timchenko
  • E. A. Shalfeeva
Keywords: intelligent task, knowledge base, decision-making support, cloudy service, cloudy software system, component


The article represents methodology and technology of development and
assembling of cloudy decision-making support systems which use knowledge bases in network
representation. The system analysis of problem area and identification of known subtasks
allows to reuse tasks ontologies and domain ontologies, to find similar problem solving method
for these subtasks. The IACPaaS technology allows to reuse software components which
implement certain solving methods in development process of solvers of intelligent tasks. It
also allows to reuse information components, integrating them with the solvers at assembling
of cloud decision-making support services.

Author Biographies

V. V. Gribova

The Institute of Automation and Control Processes
Vladivostok, Russia

A. S. Kleschev

he Institute of Automation and Control Processes
Vladivostok, Russia

P. M. Moskalenko

The Institute of Automation and Control Processes
Vladivostok, Russia

V. A. Timchenko

The Institute of Automation and Control Processes
Vladivostok, Russia

E. A. Shalfeeva

The Institute of Automation and Control Processes
Vladivostok, Russia


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